martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

test part 1

       how has participation in sports changed with the rise of technology and video games?

"Technology will create a world of idiots", Albert Einstein once said. Technology can be found everywhere.For example children sometimes use the technology to play and technology tire the brain and distract children from studying.

 Sports are healthy for life because people use the muscles of the body and you stay concentrated in healthy actions.
Children have become more lazy and prefer to play on their consoles, this is bad because you get tired and you don't do sports.

When playing video games, the brain gets tired because you concentrate on something that it does not work and is bad. On other hand doing sports is healthy because you use parts of the body and you do not suffer diseases.
Many children who have some sort of electronic console or something have diseases such as obesity or serious problems in mind. These types of problems can be found all over the world.

Sometimes in the news there are cases of people who have suffered mental problems and have one to kill people, one of these cases happened in 2013 in the United States, Colorado, it all started when two hundred people were in the middle of a function and entered a madman and murder everyone whit a gun as it thought it was like a play station game.

sport is healthier since it was proven by scientific, the muscles have to move and to do sports for health, lately the young have begun to use type of legal and illegal drugs as and example alcohol or smoking,this is bad for people's health because if you have trouble breathing hen you play sports, in the case of alcohol damages the kidneys an it is fatal to your health.

In recent years doctors and specialist they have created thesis about influence of technology in sports, in conclusion sports it is healthier than video games because the body needs to eliminate fats or other things, for other part video games are bad for you because they can bring serious social problems or diseases.

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

how has participation in sports changed with the rise of technology and video games?

I chose this question since I found that to speak about about the video games. This topic asks if the video games are good or bad the response is that not.

according to Dominic harris, there exist players who due to his vice have had problems to the health, eyes even to the hands. These cases were discovered when an equipment of Dutch investigators assembled all the cases of injuries related with nintendo it does mas of 30 years.

There exist players who due to his vice have had problems to the health, eyes even to the hands. These marry were discovered when an equipment of Dutch investigators assembled all the marry of insult related with nintendo it does mas of 30 years.

These Dutch investigators after looking for cases found 38 injuries and preoblemas neurological and psychological. Encontro that the tennis in the consoles nintendo is the sport mas dangerous.

according to Jourdan roe, the professional game know how e-sport has given the great one changes in the last yea, it was dealing since time happens. the game as league of legends, call of duty, etc, they have happened to be sport worldwide, the fanatical players of these games have come to play days non-stop. in the last years they have been played world of these games, this consists of the fact that in the countries that are going to compete do an internal competition and the best two or the best team is going to compete  
for the country for the world one.

to use too much something can be bad, not only the video games in excess do badly if not that everything makes bad in excess.
if you start not going out of your house and change this for playing the whole day in the video games you were starting having problems in the brain. then you were starting thinking the whole day about the games.
if you play very much video games, you were getting tired the whole week since whit the game the mind gets tired, even you can suffer problems of dyslexia and as other one having problems to the eyes.

 In conclusion the video games are bad since atrofian the brain because many concentration is needed and the brain gets tired.

Jorge adrian